Words of the Holy Father-God our Father today weeps-10-31-24
Someone said that God was made man in order to be able to mourn for what had been done to his children. Thus, the “tears before the tomb of Lazarus are the tears of a friend”. However, the tears recounted in the passage from Luke’s Gospel are the “tears of the Father”. Even today, faced with disasters, wars which are conducted out of the worship of the god of money, of many innocent people murdered by bombs which are launched by worshippers of the idol of money. Thus, “even today the Father weeps, and even today says: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, my children, what are you doing?”. And “he says this to the poor victims, as well as to arms traffickers, and all those who sell the lives of people”. Think about how God was made man in order to be able to weep. And we would do well to think that God our Father today weeps: he weeps for this humanity which does not end, to understand the peace which he offers us, the peace of love. (Santa Marta, 27 October 2016)
Thursday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News https://www.vaticannews.va/en/word-of-the-day.html
Gospel in Art: A call to action - Make your voice heard against Assisted Suicide https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/50984