Monday, August 26, 2019

Pope at Angelus: Love is always demanding Aug 26- narrow gate

Pope at Angelus: Love is always demanding

Pope Francis says that in order to be saved we must love God and our neighbour – "and this is not comfortable."

By Christopher Wells
At the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis reflected on the day’s Gospel reading, in which Jesus is asked, “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” In Jesus’ time, this was a much debated point. “Jesus, however, turned the question around,” the Pope said. Instead of dwelling on the number of the saved, whether few or many, the Lord “places the answer on the plane of responsibility, inviting us to use the present time well.”

"Strive to enter through the narrow gate"

Jesus calls everyone “to enter through the narrow gate,” showing that it is not a question of numbers, but of “going through the right passage, which is there for everyone.” Pope Francis explained that “Jesus does not want to deceive us” with promises of “a beautiful highway, and at the end a wide door.” Rather, the passage is narrow, in the sense of demanding. In order to be saved, the Pope said, we must love God and our neighbour – and this is not “comfortable.” It is demanding, and requires us to “strive,” which the Pope said means having a “decisive and persevering will to live according to the Gospel.”

Recalling the parable Jesus tells in the Gospel, of those left outside when the master of the house closes and locks the door, Pope Francis said that the Lord will not recognize us on account of our titles, but only on account of “a humble life, a good life, a life of faith that results in works.”

Spending our lives for the good of our brothers and sisters

For Christians, the Pope said, that means “that we are called to restore a true communion with Jesus, praying, going to Church, approaching the Sacraments and nourishing ourselves on His Word. This maintains us in faith, nourishes our hope, revives charity.”
In this way, the Pope said, “with the grace of God, we can and must spend our life for the good of our brothers and sisters, struggling against every form of evil and of injustice.”
Finally, Pope Francis pointed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who has already “passed through the narrow gate that is Jesus.” For this reason, he said, “Let us invoke her as the Gate of Heaven… a gate that follows exactly the form of Jesus: the gate of the heart of God, a heart that is demanding, but open to all.”

Monday, August 12, 2019

Pope’s Angelus Address: On Being Vigilant, Faithful Servants Aug 11 2019

Francis Pope at Regina Coeli 03-05-2015
Angelus - Copyright: Vatican Media

Pope’s Angelus Address: On Being Vigilant, Faithful Servants (FULL TEXT)

‘Every moment becomes precious, so it is necessary to live and act on this earth having a longing for heaven:’

Here is a ZENIT working translation of the address Pope Francis gave today, before and after praying the midday Angelus with those gathered in St. Peter’s Square.
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Before the Angelus:
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
In today’s Gospel (Lk 12: 32-48), Jesus calls His disciples to constant vigilance. Why? To grasp the passage of God in one’s life, because God continually passes into one’s life. He indicates the ways to live this vigilance well: “Be ready, gird your loins and light your lamps” (v. 35). This is the way. First of all “gird your loins”, an image that recalls the attitude of a pilgrim, ready to set out. It is a matter of not taking root in comfortable and reassuring dwellings, but of abandoning oneself, of being open, with simplicity and trust to the passing of God in our life, to God’s will, which guides us towards the next objective. The Lord always walks with us and often accompanies us by the hand, guiding us, so we do not make mistakes in this difficult journeyIn fact, those who trust in God know well that the life of faith is not something static, but it is dynamic! The life of faith is a continuous journey, to head toward ever new stages, which the Lord, Himself, indicates day after day. Because He is the Lord of surprises, the Lord of novelties, of real newness.
And then – the first way was ” gird your loins” – then we are required to keep “the lamps lit, to be able to lighten the darkness of the night. We are invited, that is, to live an authentic and mature faith, capable of illuminating the many “nights” of life. We know, we all had days that were true spiritual nights. The lamp of faith requires being constantly nourished, with the meeting– heart to heart–with Jesus, in prayer and listening to His Word. I reiterate something I have said many times: always carry a small Gospel in your pocket, in your bag, to read it. It is an encounter with Jesus, with the Word of Jesus. This lamp of the encounter with Jesus in prayer and in His Word is entrusted to us for the good of everyone: no one, therefore, can retreat into the certainty of his own salvation, disinterested in others. It is a fantasy to believe that one can ‘light’ themselves up from inside. No, it’s a fantasy. True faith opens our hearts to others and spurs us towards concrete communion with our brothers, especially those in need.
And Jesus, to make us understand this attitude, tells the parable of the servants who await the return of the master when he returns from the wedding (v. 36-40), thus presenting another aspect of vigilance: to be ready for the final and definitive meeting with the Lord. Each of us will meet Him, finding himself with the Lord, on that day. Each of us has his or her own date of the definitive meeting. The Lord says: “Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival. Amen, I say to you, he will gird himself, have them recline at table, and proceed to wait on them! “(v. 37-38). With these words, the Lord reminds us that life is a journey towards eternity; therefore, we are called to make all our talents bear fruit, without ever forgetting that “for here we have no lasting city, but we seek the one that is to come” (Heb 13:14). In this perspective, every moment becomes precious, so it is necessary to live and act on this earth having a longing for heaven: feet on earth, walking on earth, working on earth, doing good on earth, and the nostalgic heart of heaven.
We cannot really understand what this supreme joy consists of, yet Jesus makes us guess with the similitude of the master that by finding the servants still awake upon his return: “he will gird himself, have them recline at table, and proceed to wait on them” (v. 37). The eternal joy of heaven is thus manifested: the situation will turn upside down, and the servants, that is, us, will no longer serve God, but God himself will put Himself at our service. And this is what Jesus does right now: Jesus prays for us, Jesus looks at us and prays to the Father for us, Jesus serves us now, He is our servant. And this will be the definitive joy. The thought of the final encounter with the Father, rich in mercy, fills us with hope, and stimulates us to constant commitment to our sanctification and to build a more just and fraternal world.
May the Virgin Mary, with her maternal intercession, support this commitment of ours.
[Original text: Italian] [Working Translation by ZENIT Sr Vatican Correspondent, Deborah Castellano Lubov]
After the Angelus:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Tomorrow marks the 70th anniversary of the Geneva Convention, important international legal instruments that impose limits on the use of force and are aimed at protecting civilians and prisoners in time of war. May this anniversary make states increasingly aware of the indispensable need to protect the life and dignity of victims of armed conflicts. All are required to observe the limits imposed by international humanitarian law, protecting unarmed populations and civil structures, especially hospitals, schools, places of worship, refugee camps. And let’s not forget that war and terrorism are always a serious loss for all humanity.
They are the great human defeat!
I greet all of you, Romans and pilgrims from various countries: families, church groups, associations.
Even today there are many children and young people. I greet you with affection! In particular, the adolescents of Saccolongo and also those of Creola; and the youth pastoral group of Verona; and the young people of Cittadella.
I wish you all a good Sunday. Please don’t forget to pray for me. Have a good lunch and goodbye!
[Original text: Italian] [Working Translation by ZENIT Sr Vatican Correspondent, Deborah Castellano Lubov]
© Libreria Editrice Vatican

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Pope’s Angelus Address: On True Treasure Being in Heaven (FULL TEXT) Aug 4

Francis Pope at Regina Coeli 03-05-2015
Angelus - Copyright: Vatican Media

Pope’s Angelus Address: On True Treasure Being in Heaven (FULL TEXT)

‘May the Virgin Mary help us not to be fascinated by the ‘securities’ that pass, but to be every day, credible witnesses of the eternal values ​​of the Gospel’
Here is a ZENIT working translation of the address Pope Francis gave today, before and after praying the midday Angelus with those gathered in St. Peter’s Square.
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Before the Angelus:
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
Today’s Gospel (Lk 12: 13-21) opens with the scene of someone who rises in the crowd and asks Jesus to settle a juridical question about a family inheritance. But Jesus does not address the question, in His answer, and urges us to stay away from greed, that is, from the greed of possession. To distract His listeners from this frantic search for wealth, Jesus tells the parable of a rich fool who feels secure due to having had an exceptional year and having accumulated assets. It would be a good idea for you to read it today; it is in the Twelfth Chapter of St. Luke, Verse 13. It is a beautiful parable that teaches us a great deal. The story comes to life when the contrast between what the rich person plans for himself and what God promises him, emerges. The rich man places three considerations before his soul, before himself: the many goods accumulated, the many years that these goods seem to assure him, tranquility and well-being. Yet, the word God addressed to him, erases his projects. Instead of the many years, God indicates the immediacy of “tonight; you will die tonight”; in the place of the “enjoyment of life,” he is presented with “rendering of life; you will render your life to God”, with the consequent judgment. The rich man begins to discover for himself the sarcasm that can be found in the phrase of verse 20. We consider the questions raised by the sarcasm: “And what did they inherit; many family struggles. And so many people, we all know some stories, which at the hour of death, begin: the grandchildren, the grandchildren come to see: “But what is my portion?”, and take everything away. It is in this juxtaposition, that the appeal of “fool,” is justified because he thinks of things that he considers to be concrete, but are a fantasy. God therefore addresses him as such, as he has in a sense denied God, not coming to terms with Him yet.
The conclusion of the parable, formulated by the Evangelist, is of singular efficacy: “Thus will it be for the one who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich in what matters to God.” (v.21). It is a warning that reveals the horizon towards which we are all called to look. Material goods are necessary – they are goods! “, but I am to live honestly, and in sharing with others, Jesus today, who is the one who accumulates treasures for the heavens. Saint Paul also reminds us of this in the Second Reading. He says: “If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth..”(Col 3:1-2). This seeking what is above, he understands does not mean to alienate oneself from reality, but to look for things that have their true value: justice, solidarity, welcome, fraternity, peace, all those things that constitute human dignity. It is about living not according to world values, but evangelical ones: to love God with our whole being, and love your neighbor as Jesus loved him, that is, in service and in the gift of self. The greed for goods, the desire to have goods, does not satisfy the heart, rather it provokes more hunger! Greed is like those good candies, as it causes you to say: “Ah! How good”, and then take another one, and then another one. Greed is like candies. It never satisfies you. Be careful. Love, true and lived, is the source of real happiness, whereas the unbalanced search for wealth and possessions is often a source of disturbance, prevarication, of wars. Many wars begin because of greed.
May the Virgin Mary help us not to be fascinated by the ‘securities’ that pass, but to be every day, credible witnesses of the eternal values ​​of the Gospel.
[Working translation by ZENIT’s Deborah Castellano Lubov] After the Angelus:
Dear brothers and sisters, I am spiritually close to the victims of the episodes of violence that in these regions have bloodied Texas, California and Ohio, in the United States, striking defenseless people. Offering my prayers for those who have lost their lives, for the wounded and their families…
Hail Mary ...
One hundred and sixty years ago, like today, Saintly CurĂ© d’Ars died, a model of goodness and charity for all priests. I ask the world to encourage them in fidelity to the mission to which the Lord has called them. On this significant anniversary,May the witness of this humble parish priest, totally dedicated to his people, help to rediscover the beauty and importance of the ministerial priesthood in contemporary society.
I greet all of you, Romans and pilgrims from various countries: families, associations, individual faithful. Today, there are several groups of children and young people. I greet you with great affection! There are American universities in New Mexico and Nebraska; a youth pastoral group of Verona; young people of Ponte di Brenta, Entratico, Cerese; the Seminarians of the Minor Seminary of Bergamo.
I wish you all a good Sunday. Please don’t forget to pray for me. Have a good lunch and goodbye!

Pope Francis - Angelus prayer 2019-08-04