Saturday, December 17, 2022

What Is Vigilance and What Does the Devil Do If It Is Lacking? Pope Francis Explains It with Examples - ZENIT - English

What Is Vigilance and What Does the Devil Do If It Is Lacking? Pope Francis Explains It with Examples - ZENIT - English: The Pope’s General Audience on Wednesday, December 14, on the role of vigilance in discernment.

What Is Vigilance and What Does the Devil Do If It Is Lacking? Pope Francis Explains It with Examples

The Pope’s General Audience on Wednesday, December 14, on the role of vigilance in discernment.

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 14.12.2022).- On Wednesday morning, December 14, during this week’s General Audience, held in Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father reflected for the twelfth time on discernment. No doubt because of the cold and rain, the Hall was barely over half full.

Here is the catechesis translated into English.

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We are now entering the final phase of this journey of catechesis on discernment. We started out from the example of Saint Ignatius of Loyola; we then considered the elements of discernment, namely, prayerself-knowledge, desire and the “book of life”; we focused on desolation and consolation which form its “matter”; and then we reached the confirmation of the choice made.

I consider it necessary to include at this point a reminder of an attitude essential if all the work done to discern for the best and take the good decision is not to be lost, and this would be the attitude of vigilance

We have done discernment, consolation and desolation; we have chosen something … everything is going well, but now, vigilance: the attitude of vigilance. Because in effect there is a risk, and it is that the “spoilsport”, that is, the Evil One, can ruin everything, making us go back to the beginning, indeed, in an even worse condition. And this happens, so we must be attentive and vigilant. This is why it is indispensable to be vigilant. Therefore, today it seemed appropriate to emphasize this attitude, which we all need for the discernment process to be successful and stay that way.

Indeed, in his preaching Jesus insists a great deal on the fact that the good disciple is vigilant, does not slumber, does not let himself become too self-assured when things go well, but remains alert and ready to do his duty.

For example, in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus says: “Let your loins be girded and your lamps burning, and be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the marriage feast, so that they may open to him at once when he comes and knocks. Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes” (12:35-37).

Keeping watch to safeguard our heart and to understand what is happening inside it. This is the frame of mind of the Christians who await the final coming of the Lord; but it can be understood also as the normal attitude to have in the conduct of life, so that our good choices, taken at times after challenging discernment, may proceed in a persevering and consistent manner, and bear fruit.

If vigilance is lacking, there is, as we were saying, a very high risk that all will be lost. It is a danger not of a psychological order, no, but of a spiritual order, a real snare of the evil spirit. Indeed, he awaits precisely the moment in which we are too sure of ourselves, and this is the danger: “But I am sure of myself, I have won, now I am fine…” – this is the moment he is waiting for, when everything is going well, when things are going “swimmingly” and we “have the wind in ours sails”. Indeed, in the short Gospel parable we heard, it is said that the unclean spirit, when it returns to the house from where it left, “finds it empty, swept, and put in order” (Mt 12:44), he finds it nicely prepared, doesn’t he? Everything is in its place, everything is in order, but where is the master of the house? He is not there. There is no-one keeping watch over it and guarding it. This is the problem. The master of the house is not home, he left, he was distracted, I don’t know; or he is at home but has fallen asleep, and therefore it is as though he were not there. He is not vigilant, he is not alert, because he is too sure of himself and has lost the humility to safeguard his own heart. We must always safeguard our home, our heart and not be distracted and go away… because the problem lies here, as the Parable said.

So, the evil spirit can take advantage of this and return to that house. The Gospel says, however, that he does not return alone, but along with “seven other spirits more evil than himself” (v. 45). A company of evil-doers, a gang of delinquents. But how is it possible, we wonder, for them to enter undisturbed? How come the master does not notice? Was he not so good at discerning and banishing them? Did he not receive compliments from his friends and neighbours for that house, so beautiful and elegant, so tidy and clean? The house of the heart, isn’t it? Yes, but perhaps precisely because of this he had fallen too much in love with the house, that is, with himself, and had stopped waiting for the Lord, waiting for the coming of the Bridegroom; perhaps for fear of ruining that order he no longer welcomed anyone, he did not invite the poor, the homeless, those who disturbed… One thing is certain: here bad pride is involved, the presumption of being right, of being good, of being in order. Very often we hear someone say: “Yes, I was bad before, I converted and now, now my house is in order thanks to God, you can rest assured…”. When we trust too much in ourselves and not in God’s grace, then the Evil One finds the door open. So, he organizes the expedition and takes possession of that house. And Jesus concludes: “The last state of that man becomes worse than the first” (v. 45).


But doesn’t the master notice? No, because these are polite demons: they come in without you noticing, they knock on the door, they are polite. “No okay, go, go, come in…” and then eventually they take command of your soul. Beware of these little devils, these demons… the devil is polite, when he pretends to be a great gentleman, isn’t he? For he enters with ours to come out with his. Safeguard the house from this deception, that of polite demons. And spiritual worldliness takes this route, always.

Dear brothers and sisters, it seems impossible but it is so. Many times we lose, many times we are defeated in battles, because of this lack of vigilance. Very often, perhaps, the Lord has given so many graces, many graces, and in the end, we are unable to persevere in this grace and we lose everything, because we lack vigilance: we have not guarded the doors. And then we have been deceived by someone who comes along, polite, he goes in and, hello… The devil has these things. Anyone can also verify this by thinking back to their own personal history. It is not enough to carry out good discernment and to make a good choice. 

No, it is not enough: we must remain vigilant, safeguard this grace that God has given us, but keep watch, because you can say to me: “But when I see some disorder, I realize straight away that it is the devil, that it is temptation…”. Yes, but this time he comes disguised as an angel: the devil knows how to dress up as an angel, he enters with courteous words, and he convinces you, and in the end, it is worse than at the beginning… We need to stay vigilant, keep watch over the heart. If I were to ask each one of you today, and also myself, “What is happening in your heart?”, perhaps we would not know how to say everything; we would say one or two things, but not everything. Keep watch over the heart, because vigilance is a sign of wisdom, it is above all a sign of humility, because we are afraid to fall, and humility is the high road of Christian life. Thank you.


Monday, December 12, 2022

Francis: The Pope Who Wept before the Virgin (and Before the Eyes of All) - ZENIT - English

Francis: The Pope Who Wept before the Virgin (and Before the Eyes of All) - ZENIT - English: What do the tears of a Pope say to us and why did they move us so much? Perhaps because the Holy Father has reflected, and without a script, something so close to the experience of many of us.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Pope Tells Young People in Bahrain How to Care for the Heart and Not Go Through Life as Tourists

 Pope Tells Young People in Bahrain How to Care for the Heart and Not Go Through Life as Tourists - ZENIT - English

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Pope at Mass in Bahrain: Love always and love everyone


Pope at Mass in Bahrain: Love always and love everyone

Pope Francis presides at Mass in Bahrain's National Stadium on the third day of his 39th Apostolic Journey abroad, and urges the faithful to shatter the chains of evil and break the spiral of violence by loving everyone, always.

By Francesca Merlo

Pope Francis started his third day in Bahrain by celebrating Holy Mass in the National Stadium. In his homily, the Holy Father reminded all those gathered of the prophet Isaiah's words about the Messiah whom God will raise up: “His power shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace”.

He noted that, although this sounds like a contradiction, as "we often notice that the more power is sought, the more peace is threatened", the prophet announces the extraordinary news that "the Messiah to come will indeed be powerful, not in the manner of a commander who wages war and rules over others, but as the 'Prince of Peace' who reconciles people with God and with one another."

“His great power does not come from the force of violence, but from the weakness of love.”

The Holy Father then asked those present to stop and reflect on the phrase "to love always and to love everyone".

Pope Francis is greeted by thousands of faithful as he arrives in Bahrain's National Stadium

Love always

Jesus’ words today invite us to love always, said the Pope. "He knows that within our relationships there is a daily struggle between love and hatred", and in this way, too, within our hearts "there is a daily clash between light and darkness". With this in mind, the Pope noted that Jesus suffers when He sees, all around the world, "ways of exercising power that feed on oppression and violence, seeking to expand their own space by restricting that of others, imposing their own domination and restricting basic freedoms, and in this way oppressing the weak".  

The Pope went on to ask what we are to do in such situations, before responding that "the Lord asks of us not to dream idealistically of a world of fraternity, but to choose, starting with ourselves, to practice universal fraternity, concretely and courageously, persevering in good even when evil is done to us, breaking the spiral of vengeance, disarming violence, demilitarizing the heart". 

A view of the main stage
A view of the main stage

We must always strive for peace, said the Pope, adding that "peace cannot be restored if a harsh word is answered with an even harsher one, if one slap leads to another."

“We need to disarm, to shatter the chains of evil, break the spiral of violence, and put an end to resentment, complaints, and self-pity. We need to keep loving, always. This is Jesus’ way of giving glory to the God of heaven and building peace on earth.”

Love everyone

Pope Francis went on, then, to focus on the concept of loving everyone. He noted that although we can be committed to loving, it is not enough if we restrict this commitment to our close circles. "If we want to be children of the Father and build a world of brothers and sisters, the real challenge is to learn how to love everyone, even our enemies."

“To love our enemies is to make this earth a reflection of heaven.”

Bringing his homily to a close, Pope Francis stressed that the power of Jesus is love, and He gives us the power to love in this way, a power which "to us, seems superhuman", he said. 

Finally, the Pope thanked all those present in Bahrain's National Stadium and assured them that with him he brought the affection and closeness of the universal Church, "which looks to you and embraces you, which loves you and encourages you". 

The Land of the Tree of Life, the Pope and Freedom of Worship: Pope’s Address in Bahrain

 The Land of the Tree of Life, the Pope and Freedom of Worship: Pope’s Address in Bahrain - ZENIT - English

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Pope Francis: The Church is a ‘caravan of brothers’ on a journey - Vatican News

 Pope Francis: The Church is a ‘caravan of brothers’ on a journey - Vatican News

Tuesday, May 17, 2022



The peace Jesus gives to us at Easter is not the peace that follows the strategies of the world, which believes it can obtain it through force, by conquest and with various forms of imposition. This peace, in reality, is only an interval between wars: we are well aware of this. The peace of the Lord follows the way of meekness and mildness: it is taking responsibility for others. Indeed, Christ took on himself our evil, sin and our death. He took all of this upon himself. In this way he freed us. He paid for us. His peace is not the fruit of some compromise, but rather is born of self-giving. This meek and courageous peace, though, is difficult to accept. (General audience, 13 April 2022)