Words of the Holy Father-on what are we investing our lives-11-17-24
And we, brothers and sisters, let us ask ourselves: on what are we investing our lives? On things that pass, such as money, success, appearance,
physical well-being? We will take away none of these things. Are we attached to earthly things, as if we were to live here forever? When we are young and healthy, everything is fine, but when the time comes to depart, we have to leave everything behind. The Word of God warns us today: this world will pass away. And only love will remain. To base one’s life on the Word of God, therefore, is not an escape from history, but an immersion into earthly realities in order to make them solid, to transform them with love, imprinting on them the sign of eternity, the sign of God. Here then is some advice for making important choices. When I
do not know what to do, how to make a definitive choice, an important decision, a decision that involves Jesus’ love, what must I do? Before
deciding, let us imagine that we are standing in front of Jesus, as at the end of life, before he who is love. And imagining ourselves there, in his presence, at the threshold of eternity, we make the decision for today. We must decide in this way: always looking to eternity, looking at Jesus. It may not be the easiest, it may not be the most immediate, but it will be the right one that is certain. (Angelus 14 November 2021)
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News https://www.vaticannews.va/en/word-of-the-day.html
Gospel in Art: The stars will come falling from heaven https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51106
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