Thursday, August 22, 2024

Words of the Holy Father-Here I am is the key phrase for life.-08-22-24

 Words of the Holy Father-Here I am is the key phrase for life.-08-22-24

It is God who seeks mankind. But in the first case God goes to Adam, after the sin, and asks him: “Where are you?”, and Adam responds: “I hid myself”. In the second case, however, God goes to Mary, without sin, who responds: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord”. Here I am is the opposite of I hid myself. (…)  Here I am is the key phrase for life. It marks the passage from a horizontal life, centred on oneself and one’s own needs, to a vertical life, ascending toward God. Here I am is being available to the Lord; it is the cure for selfishness, the antidote to a dissatisfied life, which is always lacking something. Here I am is the remedy against the aging of sin; it is the therapy for staying young within. Here I am is believing that God counts more than my ‘me’. It is choosing to bet on the Lord, docile to his surprises. This is why saying here I am to him is the highest praise we can offer him. Why not begin our days with a ‘here I am, Lord’? It would be beautiful to say each morning: “Here I am, Lord, today let your will be done in me”. We will say it in praying the Angelus, but we can repeat it now, together. Here I am, Lord, today let your will be done in me! (Angelus, 8 December 2018)

Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News 

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