Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Words of the Holy Father-Jesus’s death and resurrection are gratuitous.08-25-24-Pelagians, rigidity

 Words of the Holy Father-Jesus’s death and resurrection are gratuitous.08-25-24-Pelagians, rigidity

These people who were “ideological” had reduced the Law, the doctrine, to an ideology: “you have to do this, and this, and this…” A religion of 

prescriptions, and thus they took away the Holy Spirit’s freedom. (…) These people, these doctors, “manipulated” the consciences of the faithful, or they made them become rigid, or they would go away.

Because of this, I repeat this many times, and I say that rigidity is not from the good Spirit because it puts into question the free gift of the 

redemption, the free gift of Christ’s resurrection. And this is something old: throughout the Church’s history this has repeated itself. Let us think of the Pelagians, 

of those… those famously rigid people. (…)

The Spirit of God is not where there is rigidity, because the Spirit of God is liberty. And these people wanted to force these passages, taking away liberty from the Spirit of God and the gratuitousness of the redemption: “to be justified you have to do this, this, this, and this…”. Justification is freely given. Jesus’s death and resurrection are gratuitous. You do not pay for it, it cannot be purchased: it is a gift! (Santa Marta, 15 May 2020)

Monday of the Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News

Gospel in Art: 'Alas for you, blind guides! 

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