Saturday, August 31, 2024

Words of the Holy Father my mercy, my tenderness, my forgiveness: take them and make ample use of them-Talents 08-31-24

 Words of the Holy Father my mercy, my tenderness, my forgiveness: take them and make ample use of them-Talents 08-31-24

The man in the parable represents Jesus, we are the servants, and the talents are the inheritance that the Lord entrusts to us. What is the inheritance? His Word, the Eucharist, faith in the Heavenly Father, his forgiveness..., in other words, so many things, his most precious treasures. This is the inheritance that He entrusts to us, not only to safeguard, but to make fruitful! While in common usage the term “talent” indicates a pronounced individual quality, for example 

talent in music, in sport, and so on, in the parable, talent represent the riches of the Lord, which He entrusts to us so that we make them bear fruit. The hole dug into the soil by the “wicked and slothful servant” (v. 26) points to the fear of risk which blocks creativity and the fruitfulness of love, because the fear of the risks of love stop us. Jesus does not ask us to store his grace in a safe! Jesus does not ask us for this, but He wants us to use it to benefit others. All the goods that we have received are to give to others, and thus they increase, as if He were to tell us: “Here is my mercy, my tenderness, my forgiveness: take 

them and make ample use of them”. (Angelus, 16 November 2014)

Saturday of the Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News 

Gospel in Art: To one he gave five talents, to another two, to a third one talent

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