Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Words of the Holy Father-Jesus distinguishes between appearances and internal reality-08-28-24

 Words of the Holy Father-Jesus distinguishes between appearances and internal reality-08-28-24

“You are whitened sepulchres.” Nice compliment, eh? Beautiful on the outside, all perfect… all perfect… but within, full of rottenness, therefore of greed, of wickedness, He says. Jesus distinguishes between appearances and internal reality. These lords are “doctors of appearances”: always perfect, always. But within, what is there? (…) Be careful around those who are rigid. Be careful around Christians – be they laity, priests, bishops – who present themselves as so “perfect,” rigid. Be careful. There’s no Spirit of God there. They lack the spirit of liberty. And let us be careful with ourselves, because this should lead us to consider our own life. Do I seek to look only at appearance, and not change my heart? Do I not open my heart to prayer, to the liberty of prayer, the liberty of almsgiving, the liberty of works of mercy? (Santa Marta, 16 October 2018)

Memorial of Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News 

Gospel in Art: Feast of Saint Augustine

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