Saturday, August 31, 2024

Words of the Holy Father-watchful and seek to do good, with acts of love, of sharing, of service-08-30-24-10virgins

 Words of the Holy Father-watchful and seek to do good, with acts of love, of sharing, of service-08-30-24-10virgins

Many times, in the Gospel, Jesus exhorts keeping watch, and he also does so at the end of this narrative. (…) But with this parable he tells us that keeping watch does not only mean not to sleep, but to be ready; (…) The lamp is a symbol of the faith that illuminates our life, while the oil is a symbol of the 

charity that nourishes the light of faith, making it fruitful and credible. The condition for being prepared for the encounter with the Lord is not only faith, but a Christian life abundant with love and charity for our neighbour. If we allow ourselves to be guided by what seems more comfortable, by seeking our own interests, then our life becomes barren, incapable of giving life to others, and we accumulate no reserve of oil for the lamp of our faith; and this — faith — 

will be extinguished at the moment of the Lord’s coming, or even before. If instead we are watchful and seek to do good, with acts of love, of sharing, of service to a neighbour in difficulty, then we can be at peace while we wait for the bridegroom to come: the Lord can come at any moment, and even the 

slumber of death does not frighten us, because we have a reserve of oil, accumulated through everyday good works. (Angelus, 12 November 2017)

Friday of the Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News 

Gospel in Art: The wise and foolish virgins

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