Sunday, September 8, 2024

Words of the Holy Father-He draws close to us and was made man-09-06 -07-24

 Words of the Holy Father-He draws close to us and was made man-09-07-24

They followed the laws and they neglected justice.  They followed the laws and they neglected love.  They were the models.  And for these people Jesus had only one word (to describe them): hypocrites. On one hand, you travel across the world looking for proselytes: you’re looking for them.  And then?   You close the door.  Closed-minded men, men who are so attached to the laws, to the letter of the law that they were always closing the doorway to hope, love and salvation… 

(…)  This is the path that Jesus teaches us, totally opposite to that of the doctors of law. And it’s this path from love and justice that leads to God.  Instead, the other path, of being attached only to the laws, to the letter of the laws, leads to closure, leads to egoism.  The path that leads from love to knowledge and discernment, 

to total fulfilment, leads to holiness, salvation and the encounter with Jesus.   Instead, the other path leads to egoism, the arrogance of considering oneself to be 

in the right, to that so-called holiness of appearances, right? (…) Jesus draws close to us: his closeness is the real proof that we are proceeding along the true path. That’s because it’s the path which God has chosen to save us: through his closeness.  He draws close to us and was made man. (Santa Marta, 31 October 2014)

Saturday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News 

Gospel in Art: The Son of Man is master of the sabbath 

A reading from the first Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 1 COR 4:6b-15   homeless

“The Son of Man is lord of the sabbath.

Words of the Holy Father-it’s all Him.-09-06-24-the only bridegroom, who is the Lord.

The Christian is fundamentally joyful. For this reason, at the end of the Gospel, when they bring the wine, when he speaks of wine, it makes me think of the wedding at Cana – and for this reason Jesus works His miracle – this is why Our Lady, when she realized that there was no more wine… but if 

there is no wine there is no party ... imagining that the wedding feast might therefore end with the drinking of tea or juice: it would not do ... it is a feast, and Our Lady asks for the miracle. Such is the Christian life. The Christian life has this joyfulness of spirit, a joyfulness of heart. (…) “This is the second Christian attitude: to recognize Jesus as the whole, the center, the totality. But we will always be tempted to cast this newness of the Gospel, this new wine, into old attitudes ... It is sin, we are all sinners. Only recognise it: ‘This is a sin.’ Do not say this goes with this. No! The old wineskins cannot hold the new wine. This is the novelty of the Gospel. Jesus is the bridegroom, the bridegroom who weds the Church, the groom who loves the Church, who gives his life for the Church. Jesus is the one 

who makes this wedding feast! Jesus asks us the joy of festivity, the joy of being Christians. He also asks of us the all: it’s all Him. If we have something that is not 

of Him, repent, ask for forgiveness and move on. May the Lord give us, to all of us, the grace always to have this joy, as if we were attending a wedding. And also have this faithfulness to the only bridegroom, who is the Lord.” (Santa Marta, 6 September 2013)

Friday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News 

Gospel in Art: "The old is good" he says 

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