Monday, September 9, 2024

Words of the Holy Father-we must pray more-09-09-24-He has come to heal mankind of every evil

 Words of the Holy Father-we must pray more-09-09-24-He has come to heal mankind of every evil

In the Gospels, many pages tell of Jesus’ encounters with the sick and of his commitment to healing them. He presents himself publicly as one who fights against illness and who has come to heal mankind of every evil: evils of the spirit and evils of the body. (…) Jesus never held back from their care. He never passed by, never turned his face away. When a father or mother, or even just friends brought a sick person for him to touch and heal, he never let time be an issue; healing came before the law, even one as sacred as resting on the Sabbath (cf. Mk 3:1-6). The doctors of the law reproached Jesus because he healed on the Sabbath, he did good on the Sabbath. But the love of Jesus was in giving health, doing good: this always takes priority! (…) The Church invites constant prayer for her own loved ones stricken with suffering. There must never be a lack of prayer for the sick. But rather, we must pray more, both personally and as a community. (General audience, 10 June 2015)

Memorial of Saint Peter Claver, Priest

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News

Gospel in Art: The Pharisees were hoping to find something to use against him 

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