Thursday, September 5, 2024

Words of the Holy Father- to make use of our poverty to proclaim his richness-09-05-24

 Words of the Holy Father- to make use of our poverty to proclaim his richness-09-05-24

“We toiled all night and took nothing” (v. 5), says Simon. How often, we too are left with a sense of defeat while disappointment and bitterness arise in our hearts. Two very dangerous seeds. So what does the Lord do? He chooses to climb into our boat. He wants to proclaim the Gospel from there. It is precisely that empty boat, the symbol of our incapacity, that becomes Jesus’ “cathedra”, the pulpit from which he proclaims the Word. And this is what the Lord loves to do — the Lord is the Lord of surprises, of miracles in surprises — to climb into the boat of our lives when we have nothing to offer him; to enter our emptiness and fill it with his presence; to make use of our poverty to proclaim his richness, of our miseries to proclaim his mercy. (…) With Jesus, we sail the sea of life without fear, without giving in to disappointment when one catches nothing, and without giving up and saying “there is nothing more that can be done”. Always, in personal life as well as in the life of the Church and society, there is something beautiful and courageous that can be done, always. We can always start over — the Lord always invites us to get back on our feet because he opens up new possibilities. (Angelus, 6 February 2022)

Thursday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News 

Gospel in Art: Leave me, Lord; I am a sinful man 

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