Thursday, September 26, 2024

Words of the Holy Father-Jesus through the Catechism-09-26-24speak with him in prayer

 Words of the Holy Father-Jesus through the Catechism-09-26-24speak with him in prayer

And why, does Jesus create problems. “You cannot know Jesus, without having problems”. You cannot know Jesus “by sitting in first class” or “in the calm”, much less “in the library”. We only come to know Jesus on the daily path of life. We can also come to know him in the Catechism.  “It is true! The Catechism, teaches us many things about Jesus, and we should study it, we should learn it”. However, the fact remains that knowing about Jesus through the Catechism “is not enough”: knowing him with the mind is a step in the right direction, but “in order to know Jesus, we need to enter into a dialogue with him. By talking with him, in prayer, on our knees. If you don't pray, if you don't talk to Jesus, you don't know him”. Lastly, there is a third way to know Jesus: “It is by following him, by going with him, by walking with him, by travelling along the road of his ways”. If you know Jesus with these three languages: of mind, heart and action, then you can say that you know Jesus”. Therefore, in order truly to know him, it is necessary to read “what the Church tells us about him, to speak with him in prayer and to walk along the path of his ways with him”. This is the road and “everyone has a decision to make”. (Santa Marta, 26 September 2013)

Thursday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News 

Gospel in Art: Feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian

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