Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Words of the Holy Father-mother and his brethren are outside-09-24-24

 Words of the Holy Father-mother and his brethren are outside-09-24-24

We can dwell a little on this word: family. Because it is a reality that has changed a great deal, and is changing, (…)  But (…) true newness has been brought to this world by one only: Jesus Christ. The true revolution of the family was done by him. And he also renewed, transformed, the family. (…) We are told by an episode of the Gospel, where there is one of those words of Jesus that leave us disconcerted, that throw us into crisis. The three synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke tell it. Jesus is preaching in the midst of his disciples and other people, and at a certain point they say to him that his mother and his brethren are outside. (…) He turns to those around him and says: “Here are my mother and my brethren!”, adding, “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother” (cf. Mt 12:46-50; Mk 3:31-35; Lk 8:19-21). (…) This word of Jesus radically renewed the family, so that the strongest, most important bond for us Christians is no longer that of blood, but of the love of Christ. His love transforms the family, freeing it from the dynamics of selfishness, which derive from the human condition and from sin; he frees it and enriches it with a new bond, even stronger but free, not dominated by the interests and 

conventions of kinship, but animated by gratitude, recognition, and reciprocal service. (Speeches, Diocese of Asti, 5 May 2023)

Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News https://www.vaticannews.va/en/word-of-the-day.html 

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