Monday, September 2, 2024

Words of the Holy Father-the Word of God today-he power of the Spirit, is today 09-02-24

 Words of the Holy Father-the Word of God today-he power of the Spirit, is today 09-02-24

And Jesus begins by saying: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled”. Let us dwell on this today. (…) The Word of God is always “today”. (…)  Isaiah’s prophecy dates back to earlier centuries, but Jesus, “in the power of the Spirit”, makes it relevant and, above all, brings it to fulfilment, and shows how to 

receive the Word of God: today. (…)  It speaks to your heart today. Jesus’ fellow countrymen are struck by his word. Even though, clouded by prejudice, they do not believe him, they realize that his teaching is different from that of the other teachers: they sense that there is more to Jesus. What is there? There is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes it happens that our sermons and our teachings remain generic, abstract; they do not touch the soul and the life of the people. And why? Because they lack the power of this today; what Jesus “fills with meaning” in the power of the Spirit, is today. He is speaking to you today. (Angelus, 23 January 2022)

Monday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel and Thought for the Day - Vatican News 

Gospel in Art: Jesus went into the synagogue as he usually did

St Zeno, with his two sons Concordius and Theodore, suffered martyrdom under Julian the Apostate. Julian had rejected Christianity, and attempted to restore paganism as the official religion of the Roman Empire. The execution of Zeno and his sons is related in an ancient Latin passio.

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